本帖最后由 圆周率派 于 2012-1-11 15:35 编辑
Scenario Editor FAQ (By Lord Lee and The Great Briton)
If you have a question about the Empire Earth Scenario Editor, then we here on this forum are only too hapy to help you. However... Before posting, please look at the "EE Scenario Editor Manual" on your Empire Earth CD-Rom. This guide may answer your question.
Also, below are 36 of some of the most frequently asked questions about the Scenario Editor. Please take the time to see if your question is one of these. If so, then please scroll down to find the relevant answer. Thank you FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
1. Is there a way to play scenarios on-line?
2. What is the best way to string along a series of triggers, with each next trigger firing after the previous is done with all its effects?
3. The Snow Effect and other effects won't work.
4. I also don't understand the logic behind the min/max settings in the unit attribute checkbox menu.
5. How do u make it so that if any unit enters area then a text or something comes up?
6. Is it possible to fix on a daytime change?
7. How do effects execute when you use the or" in the effects. For example IF then or
8. Are delays in effects cumulative?
9. Where is the "object selected" trigger?
10. How do I activate and deactivate triggers?
11. How does Task-Object/Task-Area Unload work?
12. Is there an effect: Create object1 3 units in front, behind, left right etc. of object2?
13. Are you able to make a trigger(s) that does: If 5 snipers exist then you can't build snipers; If less than 5 snipers exist, you can build snipers.. ?
14. Is there is any way to use AI Create Military Group without units which are pre-placed on the map?
15. Is it possible to have more than one favorite for land/air/sea?
16. The manual says that the "primary base" of the AI will be where the very first land unit was placed, right?
17. What's the differance between "Send Dialogue" and "Send Chat Message"?
18. How do you take screen shots?
19. How do you rotate camera in the scenario editor?
20. Sounds are stopped oddly throughout the scenario.
21. Is there a volcano graphic or do I just make a hill with a hole in it and apply graphic effects?
22. What should be the dimensions of the JPG image to be used for the Scenario Instruction Map?
23. Is there some effect that handles one player sending tribute to another?
24. When we place mp3s for the intro instructions, history, etc. portion, does this mp3 loop or does it play only once?
25. I was making a scenario with music but the file is m3u.
26. When uploading a scenario, will it automatically include the associated sound files or do they have to be manually installed by the person doing the downloading?
27. How do I add objects such as resources, logs, and other objects not found in the player objects?
28. How do I make it so a computer player does not resign if he loses all his units? Or the player?
29. How does the Export/Import options work in the Hints/Intructions/Briefing Text?
30. Can I create a calamity but without the damageing side effects?
31. How does the zoom level work (it goes in the negative, then in the positive) when setting a scripting-camera effect?
32. I get an awkward view in my camera.
33. Why does going into cinematic mode screw up the timing of the delay on my triggers?
34. Why doesn't combat work in cinematic mode?
35. Where can I find the Camera Markers?
36. What is EE Studio / How can I create my own modpacks?
1. Q: Is there a way to play scenarios on-line? A: Before I answer this, I have to make an official statement that Empire Earth does not currently have multiplayer maps as an official feature. That said, there are some gimmicks you can try. If you do this and have a problem, we waive all responsibility. 1) Start a multiplayer game, with the number of players you wish to be in the scenario. Make sure you remember what names all the players are using. 2) Start the game and immediately save it. You should then quit the game. 3) Find the saved game file and change the extension from .ees to .scn and move it into your data\scenarios folder. You can then load it up into the Editor and modify it, adding Triggers or even changing the map. The thing you need to avoid doing is changing the amount of players or their names. 4) When your done editing, save it and change the file extension back to .ees, and moved it back to your saved games folder. You can now load it back up as a multiplayer saved game- just remember to have the same number of players using the same player names.
2. Q: What is the best way to string along a series of triggers, with each next trigger firing after the previous is done with all its effects? A: The "correct" answer will vary based on what exactly you wish to accomplish. If you have Triggers A, B, and C, you can make sure that Triggers B and C start "OFF". Then, the final Effect for Trigger A is to turn on Trigger B, after some delay. The same goes for Trigger B turning on C. Or, you can have all of these start "ON", and make sure that the Conditions for Trigger B can't possibly be TRUE until the Effects from Trigger A have run their course to your satisfaction. The same goes for Trigger C in regards to B.
3. Q: The Snow Effect and other effects won't work. A: Snow is Area-based, you cannot use Objects. The snowflakes are drawn at the top of the "sky" and then come down to earth. In other words, you must wait a bit for the first few flakes to hit the ground before they start to appear as a steady stream. At 1.5 speed, 10 seconds had elapsed on the game clock before I saw the first flake. The Trigger I used to check this is: IF -> Always True THEN -> TurnOnVisibility(Player1) && GraphicEffect(Snow)(Area0) Where Area0 is a small group of tiles I picked on the map.
4. Q: I also don't understand the logic behind the min/max settings in the unit attribute checkbox menu. A: Try this example: Lets say I want to display a message when a Marine is wounded. First, I make a new Object and select a Marine already on the map. Then, I place a check in the "HasAttribute" qualifier. The default choice in this menu is "HitPoints", which is what I want. I then enter a value of "50" in the "Max" box and put a check in the percent box. I then make an Effect to display a chat message. I then make a new Trigger. In the "Condition0" box, I select "Marine Exists". For "Effect0", I select the chat message Effect I created. Now, when I play the scenario, as soon as the Marine unit I selected takes enough damage to drop him to half health or less, the chat message will fire. I could also use that same Marine Object in a "CreateObject" Effect, which would create a Marine with 1-50% health.
5. Q: How do u make it so that if any unit enters area then a text or something comes up? A: Your question is the reason we have the 6 qualifiers you can assign to Objects (Near, Selected, HasAttribute, etc.). When you use these qualifiers on an Object and place that Object in a Condition, you are looking to find units (or lack thereof! ) that has these attributes. When these Objects appear in Effects, you are looking to create or otherwise act on somebody who has these attributes. So, I have a Marine on the map (I'll call him 'Joe') and I want to display a message when he steps on the tile right in front of him: I go to the "Area" tab and make an Area that contains the tile right in front of him- but doesn't include the tile he's on already! I go to the "Object" tab and make an Object where I select Joe on the map. I then put a check in the "Area" box and select the Area I just made. Note that these boxes here are "triple-state". If I click on a box that has a checkmark in it, it changes to an "X", meaning "NOT in Area". Now I go to the "Effect" tab and make an Effect for the text or whatnot. Now you move over to the "Trigger" tab and make a new Trigger. The Condition will need to be set to "Joe Exists". You then set the Effect to whatever one you made. Now, when the scenario is run, nothing will happen until the Marine moves into the selected Area. Just to be clear- unless you change the name of the Object yourself, it will have a name like [Marine24], so the Condition will actually be [Marine24 Exists].
6. Q: Is it possible to fix on a daytime change? A: Yes. Cycling through day/night is always off by default. Use the "Game" Effect "Day/Night Hour" to set the time to whatever you wish. Doing so does not automatically start the day/night cycle going- this must always be done manually. So, if you set the time to 5am it will stay that way for as long as you wish. If you do get the Day/Night cycle started, you can still set the exact hour to whatever you want, but the clock will keep running from there. If I'm understanding your goal, you would want to fire 1 Effect at the start of the scenario that sets the time to 5 or 6 pm. Then, after some delay or event occurs, you fire a second Effect that turns on the Day/Night Cycle so it gets dark on its own. One tricky thing with the Day/Night Cycle Effect- even though it is a number edit box, the game reads it as a Boolean. So, set it to 0 to stop the clock going, and set it to any non-zero number to start cycling.
7. Q: How do effects execute when you use the or" in the effects. For example IF then or A: In your example, the game would randomly choose either Effect1 or Effect2 to execute. The other would not occur, unless the Trigger has the potential to be evaluated TRUE more than once, in which case it could be chosen on subsequent checks.
8. Q: Are delays in effects cumulative? A: Any delay on an Effect starts from time index 0. They are not dependent on Effects that came before or after them. 3 Effects in a row that all have 2-second delays will all fire after 2 seconds. They do not add up.
9. Q: Where is the "object selected" trigger? A: This is an option you select when you create an Object. For example, make an Object where you select a unit on the map and check the "Selected By" box. Then use this Object as a Condition. It will evaluate TRUE when the player selects the unit.
10. Q: How do I activate and deactivate triggers? A: These are "Trigger" Effects.
11. Q: How does Task-Object/Task-Area Unload work? A: This command is only used to get units out of containers, such as Transports, Helicopter Transports, Siege Towers, etc. For example, you would use TaskArea (Unload) to command a Transport to unload its cargo on a particular stretch of beach. "Garrison" has its own option for ordering Citizens to enter Settlements and so forth.
12. Q: Is there an effect: Create object1 3 units in front, behind, left right etc. of object2? A: The Create Effect does not get that specific. You can do adjacent, range, or LOS only. It is not possible to pick a particular side.
13. Q: Are you able to make a trigger(s) that does: If 5 snipers exist then you can't build snipers; If less than 5 snipers exist, you can build snipers.. ? A: Yes. Use the ModifyTechTree Effect to add & remove the Sniper whenever you detect that the player either has too many or too few. The downside is, this will only work perfectly if the player can only make 1 Sniper at a time. If they have the ability to use multiple Barracks, then they could make 4 Snipers, then queue up a Sniper in every Barracks available. After these guys pop out, they won't be able to make more, but they'll have more than you wanted. Object1 -> Player1 Sniper (Min = 5 Max = 100) Effect1 -> ModifyTechTree (Player1, Add Sniper) Effect2 -> ModifyTechTree (Player1, Remove Sniper) Effect3 -> Trigger1 ON Effect4 -> Trigger2 ON Trigger1 IF -> Object1 Exists THEN -> Effect2 AND Effect4 Trigger2 (starts OFF) IF -> NOT Object1 Exists THEN -> Effect1 AND Effect3
14. Q: Is there is any way to use AI Create Military Group without units which are pre-placed on the map? A: Yes! If you tell the CP to make a military group consisting of units it doesn't have, but can produce on its own, it will delay execution of the command until it can produce the requisite units. However, units the CP currently has on the map always take priority when making selections for a military group. So, you have to be a little sneaky. For instance, when telling the CP to make a group to attack Area B, make sure you use the "NOT (Area A)" qualifier on the Object used for attack group B. This way, the CP will ignore those units already in the right places and pick fellows hanging out in its town (or queue up new ones special).
15. Q: Is it possible to have more than one favorite for land/air/sea? A: No. If you fire off 2 of these Effects for the same CP in a row, the last Effect will determine the favorite units for that CP.
16. Q: The manual says that the "primary base" of the AI will be where the very first land unit was placed, right? A: This is the first "non-building" unit. You could place a ship down, which will cause the CP to think his base is on the ocean, causing no end of difficulties. This location is also permanent! Once you've saved the scenario, it does not matter if you move the CP's units to another spot and save it later. It will still think it belongs in the original spot... as you've seen. You can try to work around this by removing ALL of the units for that CP on the map, and resaving the scenario. Then quit the Editor and load the scenario back in, placing the CP's units where you want them. This usually works, but is not always effective.
17. Q: What's the differance between "Send Dioloque" and "Send Chat Message"? A: "Send Dioloque" has many advantages over "Send Chat Message". If you chose to send a dioloque message, you have the option of selecting the type of unit which will speak. If you chose a unit off your object list...it's picture shall be placed besides that dioloque box. You also have the option of moving the camera to the object. If you so please. And the player can end the message at anytime they wish, for pressing ESC. button removes the box. Sending a chat message will simply display a message on the top of the screen. Nothing else...and cannot be removed with ESC.
18. Q: How do you take screen shots? A: There are actually 4 flavors of screenshot: F9 is the "standard version" Shift-F9 takes a shot without the UI. However, doing this in the Editor keeps the UI in, I believe. Control-F9 takes a full game-map screenshot. This always works in the Editor, when playing the game this only works after you've won or lost. Alt-F9 takes a much higher-res version of the full game-map, with the same restrictions.
19. Q: How do you rotate camera in the scenario editor? A: While in the Editor, hold down the tilde key (~). This only works while working in the Editor, never while playing the game itself. I've been told that there are some keyboards in our international community that are missing this key- in which case, I don't know what the answer is.
20. Q: Sounds are stopped oddly throughout the scenario. A: Dealing with audio tracks was a late addition to the project, and as such, is not as smooth as top designers might wish. I am assuming you are trying to run a track that constantly plays in the background while you trigger other audio along with it. Unfortunately, this is not possible. I realized this as a potential flaw, but after discussions with the programming team decided to accept it. After all, people were expecting us to ship a game at some point. The "we must do this" design decision we went with is that we agreed that we had to prevent audio tracks from overlapping to guarantee cinematic played correctly. Also, if a player is canceling a cinematic, the audio must stop playing- otherwise you didn't really cancel anything. The problem we ran into was that once an audio file is playing, the game loses track of it, so to speak. If I fire off 5 in a row, I can't tell the game to stop #3 and no others. Each time a SendDialogue, StartCinemaMode, or EndCinemaMode Effect fires, the game squelches all currently playing audio. So, there is no way to have overlapping audio if you are using these Effects... the casualty being that designers can't set up their own music to run in the background if they wish to do movies (for example).
21. Q: Is there a volcano graphic or do I just make a hill with a hole in it and apply graphic effects? A: Both. You could go the hill route and make a permanent volcano, or you can use the Editor to cast a Volcano just like the one the Prophet makes. This is a "Game" Effect, "Calamity".
22. Q: What should be the dimensions of the JPG image to be used for the Scenario Instruction Map? A: This will always be displayed at 1024 x 768. If the image is not this size it will automatically stretched to fit. Same goes for a Campaign background image.
23. Q: Is there some effect that handles one player sending tribute to another? A: If you want a Trigger-fired resource grant to be counted as tribute by the game, you have to do as you described. We did not implement a specific "award tribute" Effect since we already included ways to give players resources with Triggers. Since the only way you get to see the "Tribute Received" value is after the scenario is over, if you are trying to record how much a player got to trigger some other event, you don't necessarily need to tweak these stats. For example, if each time you award a player 500 gold, you can also increase a player variable by 1. If the variable gets to 3, you know the player received 1500 gold in "tribute". >
24. Q: When we place mp3s for the intro instructions, history, etc. portion, does this mp3 loop or does it play only once? A: This will only play once. There is a "replay" button on this screen (shaped like a stip of film) players can use if they want to hear it again. This also applies when viewing this screen after returning in game.
25. Q: I was making a scenario with music but the file is m3u. A: If you're taking a different format than the one we use and trying to fool the game into getting it to work, then you can't blame us if the game crashed. If real MP3s and WAVs are not playing, the odds are that there is a mistake of some kind on your part. Make sure you are placing these in the data\sounds\ directory, and if including them in a "PlaySound" or "SendDialogue" Effect, you specify the extension along with the filename: mysound.wav, not just mysound. [Editor's Note: a .m3u file is not a music file, but a playlist that instructs programs like Winamp to play music files in a certain order. Empire Earth cannot read .m3u files.]
26. Q: When uploading a scenario, will it automatically include the associated sound files or do they have to be manually installed by the person doing the downloading? A: Scenario files do not include anything. Only the campaign format archives any of its own media.
27. Q: How do I add objects such as resources, logs, and other objects not found in the player objects? A: Click on the World Player button, and select the button to the far right. It shall bring you to a menu of Misc. objects you can use through-out your scenario. Such as recources and eye candy objects.
28. Q: How do I make it so a computer player does not resign if he loses all his units? Or the player? A: For the player you need to uncheck the "allow victory" option found in the player menu. For computer opponents, you need to go to the players section, click on the A.I tab, and then check the ignore box for the players you wish to stay alive even after being defeated.
29. Q: How does the Export/Import options work in the Hints/Intructions/Briefing Text? A: You can export every word in the scenario by clicking the export button. As long as you give it a name...EE will create a word doc full of every line you have wrote in your scenario. The file itself is found in the scenario folder...and can be opened with any word doc. You can correct your spelling...or change even story glitches. After saving the world doc...click import ( as long as you did not change the name area) and every change you made will be seen. Even in your triggers.
30. Q: Can I create a calamity but without the damageing side effects? A: Of course. In the Game section of the triggers, select the graphic effect. Choose from the list of effects you can use. In there somewhere are all the calamity effects...but just thier graphical image. If you want the calamity itself...simply select the "calamity" type effect found in the same area.
31. Q: How does the zoom level work (it goes in the negative, then in the positive) when setting a scripting-camera effect? A: Think of the zoom as a "u" shaped curve. At the top of one prong, you are way up high looking down at the ground. At the lowest point of the letter, you are at ground level looking at the horizon. As you start to climb back up the other prong, you are looking skyward. This is the area of the zoom curve that contains the negative values.
32. Q: I get an awkward view in my camera. A: Zoom must be set to "None" in order to get a camera change using markers to work correctly. Although it is not essential to getting the viewpoint correct, you will also want to play with the scroll speed, since this will determine how fast the view changes from marker to marker. Regardless of the speed you set, however, the 1st marker in a sequence will always be snapped to.
33. Q: Why does going into cinematic mode screw up the timing of the delay on my triggers? A: Because you can set Cinema Mode to run in extremely slow speeds, we had to change how the timing worked, or Effects with any kind of delay on them would never fire (such as chat messages) at these slow speeds! While in Cinema Mode any delays are treated as "real time". So a 9 second delay on an Effect will be 9 "real" seconds regardless of what speed you want to run the movie. If you're not in Cinema Mode, you'll notice that your delay will be equal to 9 game-clock seconds, but this will actually run faster than 9 "real" seconds if you're at any game speed above 1.0. So, always test movie timings while in Cinema Mode. Don't try to perfect it elsewhere and then add the letterboxing later.
34. Q: Why doesn't combat work in cinematic mode? A: This was a deliberate design decision. We decided the potential for people getting killed at inappropriate times was worse than the inconvenience of using Effects to kill people in big battle scenes. Example - the player is in the middle of managing a large battle. Suddenly, a movie starts depicting some event important to the goings-on. The movie ends, and the player finds all their soldiers dead as the battle is now over.
35. Q: Where can I find the Camera Markers? A: These are "World Player" Units, listed under "Buildings". When placing them, move the camera so that the screen is showing you the view you want the marker to represent. Then, click to place the marker anywhere or the ground. It will appear in 3D space at the location of the camera when you clicked to place the marker. Tip from the SSSI Art Dept: When setting up markers to be seen in Cinema Mode, position the camera while looking at the Triggers page. The view of the game world you get here most closely represents how things will appear with the letterboxing. When you have a good view, switch back to the Unit page and place the marker.
36. What is EE Studio / How can I create my own modpacks? A: EE Studio is a program that can uncompress all of the textures, sounds, models, scenarios and JPEG instruction maps contained within Empire Earth. (It also works with the expansion). You can modify the textures and sounds and place them back in the game directory. It is difficult to use, if you have a specific query about it then please post it on this forum. To get you started, you can download EE。