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发表于 2011-12-3 10:00:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:34 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时㈢彩| 六合投㈢注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用㈢提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<P>Good work! To move your Citizens - or any selected units - you simply right-click on the map where you want them to go. Due west of your Citizens is a hill with a flag on it. This is where your citizens will start to build their civilization. </P><P>To find the hill, move your mouse pointer to the left edge of the screen. The map will scroll in that direction. Scroll the map over to the hill. You can also use the Mini-map at the bottom right-hand of the screen to help you find the hill. The Mini-map is a representation of the entire map. It is mostly black because you haven&#39;t explored much of the map yet. But the hill is visible as a greenish spot near the center of the Mini-map.</P><P>Once you have found the hill, order your Citizens to walk to it - make sure your Citizens are still selected, and then right-click next to the flag on the hill.</P><P><BR>怎么工作,移动你的市民或任何选定的单位——到你所指定的地方.这时候他们将会自动完成任务.</P><P>比如:行动到旗帜边,将鼠标指针移到屏幕左边缘。在地图上找到旗帜。你也可以使用屏幕右下角的小地图,帮助你找到旗帜的位置。这个小地图是整个大地图的缩略图。还没有有探索到的地方,它将显示为黑色。</P><P>一旦你找到了目标,为让市民步行到那里--请确保你已经选定市民,然后右键点击旗帜所在位置。</P><P><BR>It looks like everything is going well. To help ensure Phoenician civilization survives, create a total of six Citizens.</P><P><BR>看起来一切都很顺利。为了保证腓尼基文明的生存下去,需要创造六个市民。</P><P>It is a long walk back to the Capitol from the foraging site. To increase your gathering efficiency, have your Citizens build a Settlement next to the Forage Patch. </P><P>Settlements are simple resource drop-off points that are constructed in exactly the same way as the Capitol - just select a Citizen, click the Settlement button, and place the building. The Wood required to build the Settlement is taken from your resource inventories.</P><P>为了增加你的收集效率,把你的城镇建立在离你市民很近的地方,这样就缩短步行所需要的时间.<BR>营地是简单的仓库,建立营地将会从你的国库中扣除建造所需的木材,如果你要把营地升级为城镇,选择市民,点击入驻按钮(G),即可</P><P><BR>When your Citizens have gathered a full load, they automatically bring it to your Capitol. They then return to the resource site to gather some more. You can always intervene and give your Citizens new instructions. Select one of your working Citizens, and right-click on the Capitol. The Citizen immediately goes to the Capitol and drops off whatever he or she was carrying.</P><P>当你的市民采集到足够的量时,他们就会自动把采集的东西放在你的城镇,为了让市民提前收成,你可以给他们发布新的指令,强制他们把已经收集到的东西上交给国库.选择一个你工作的市民,并右击城镇,市民将会停止工作,立即前往城镇上交采集到的东西,</P><P>Your civilization has made a good start. But your Population must grow larger, and that requires Food.</P><P>To the south of your Capitol you will find a Forage Patch. A new spot has appeared on your Mini-map to show you where to search for the food site. Send your Citizens there to gather Food from the Forage Patch.</P><P>为了让你的文明以后发展壮大,你需要足够的食物养活更多的人口.</P><P>在城镇以南,你会发现新的食物堆,一个新的亮点出现,在小地图上显示你在那里寻找到食物。</P><P><BR>Welcome to the ancient world. You are about to found the civilization of Phoenicia. As it has been throughout history, your civilization will be built by its Citizens. </P><P>Citizens construct all the buildings and gather all the natural resources that are necessary for a civilization&#39;s survival and growth. In time, you will learn to have them hunt, forage, and harvest all the food your new nation requires.</P><P>Your civilization&#39;s story begins on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Three Citizens standing among the local Canaanites, await your instructions. Select all three by left-clicking on the ground near them and, while holding in the mouse button, dragging a box around them. Then release the button. This is called "lassoing" units.</P><P>欢迎来到古代世界。在这里,你将走进腓尼基文明。</P><P>市民构建的建筑物和采集所得到的自然资源,是一个文明的生存与发展的物质基础。在这里,你将学习怎样狩猎和采集资源。</P><P>开始创建属于你自己的文明。三个迦南村的市民正在等待你进一步的指示。首先要圈定市民: 请点击地面,按住鼠标左键,然后向前拖动,圈住要选定的市民,然后放开鼠标,现在你可以给你圈定的市民下达命令.</P><P><BR>As your Citizens move towards the hill, the black areas of the map along their path are revealed. You can watch their progress on both the Main Map and the Mini-map. Notice that the buildings of the Canaanite village you just left are still visible, but the people are not. The people are shrouded by the "fog of war." This simply means that you cannot see what they are doing when no one from your civilization is there to look at them.</P><P>当市民向前移动的时候,地图上黑色的区域将会变成明亮的。你可以注意观察市民行进时的大地图和小地图的变化,没有注意走过的地方,建筑物仍然可见,但其他人物却看不见了。因为他们笼罩在“战争迷雾”下,这也意味着你不能看到他们在做什么。</P><P>The more Citizens working on a building, the faster it will go up. <BR>Simply select additional Citizens, then right-click the hammer icon over the building you wish them to assist in constructing.</P><P>想要使建造的建筑快速的完成,你可以号召更多的市民加入建造大军。</P><P>Constructing a building goes faster with more workers on the job. Select your other two Citizens by dragging a lasso around them. Then right-click on the construction site. Notice that the mouse pointer becomes a hammer over the site to indicate that your Citizens can perform an action there.</P><P>要想使更多的市民加入建造,可以拖动鼠标左键,圈定更多的人,然后把鼠标移动正在建造的建筑物上。注意:当鼠标指针变成一个锤子表明您的公民可以执行建造。</P><P>To grow your civilization, it is important to keep your Citizens busy. The Idle Citizen button, below the Mini-map, can help you locate Citizens who are not working so you can give them a task.</P><P>要想使文明发展得更快,你不能有闲置的市民。你可以利用 闲置市按钮,选择那些不干活的家伙,以便于给他们下达任务.</P><P>After a moment, a new Citizen appears at the Capitol and you can put him or her to work. To have newly created Citizens automatically start working, you can set a rally point. Select the Capitol and click the round Place Rally Point button. Then click on the Forage Patch to place that rally point there. Now new Citizens will immediately walk to the patch and gather Food!</P><P>片刻之后,一个新的市民出现在城镇旁边,为了方便新出现的市民自动工作,你可以设置一个集合点。选择城镇的集会点按钮或者鼠标右击你要执行任务的地方,现在新的市民将会自己走到指定的地方执行采集和其他任务.</P><P>Your Capitol is finished! Well done! Notice that your Citizens have automatically started collecting Wood. This is because the trees were the closest resource to your Capitol. </P><P>You can tell your citizens where to collect resources. Select a citizen and right-click on a different tree. Notice the pointer changed to a bucket over the resource site</P><P>干得好!看你的市民,开始自动收集木材。这是因为树是离你城镇最近的资源。</P><P>你可以告诉你的市民在那里收集资源。选择一个市民和右键点击不同的树。注意指针的变化.</P><P>To build a Capitol, click on the Capitol button near the bottom of the screen. A "ghost" Capitol appears to help you choose a location for the building.&nbsp; If the ghost is tinted green, it means you can build the Capitol there. If it is red, it means the Capitol cannot be built on that spot - try moving the ghost around a little until it appears green.</P><P>When you choose a location for the Capitol, left-click to place the foundation for it. Your Citizen then walks to the foundation and begins constructing the Capitol. </P><P>现在建立一个城市,点击按钮在屏幕上,如果建筑影子在屏幕上显示为绿色,它意味着你可以建立城市。如果是红色的,这意味着城市不能建立在这里,请多尝试移动,一直到它呈现绿色。</P><P>当您选择建筑城镇图标,左击放置在一个地方,你的市民将自己步行到这个地方并且开始建造城镇.</P><P>Foraging for Food is the most basic way to feed your people. Up to six Citizens can gather from a single foraging site at once. In time, you will also learn to hunt, fish and farm to get Food. </P><P>Now it is time to produce new Citizens for your civilization. When you have enough Food, the Citizen button will become active at your Capitol. Simply select the Capitol, and then click the Citizen button to create a Citizen. If you have enough Food, you can even "queue up" Citizens by clicking the Citizen button again and again. Right-clicking the Citizen button removes a Citizen from the queue. Citizens can also be created at Town Centers.</P><P>采集果子是最基础的,你可选择六个市民一起采集,当然,你也可以选择打猎,捕鱼和农耕等方式获得食物。</P><P>现在开始生产市民,当你有足够的食物,城镇里的市民按钮将会变成可选,你可点击市民图标生产,也可以利用快捷键C,如果你想一次性建造五个市民,可以连续点击五次,或者使用热键SHIFT+鼠标左击.</P><P>You have done very well - the Phoenician people grow and prosper under your leadership! With their roots firmly planted, the Phoenicians are on their way to spreading their influence throughout the Mediterranean.</P><P>你做得非常好-在您的英明领导下,腓尼基人开始茁壮成长和繁荣富强,并且影响整个地中海。</P><P>Gathering resources is essential to the survival of your civilization. </P><P>Eventually you will gather Gold, Stone and other resources in exactly the same way. Your current resource inventories are shown in the bar that runs along near the bottom of the screen.</P><P>资源采集是文明生存必不可少的东西。</P><P>收集黄金,石头和采集食物的方式是一样的。</P><P>Good, you&#39;ve reached the hill. On this hill, you will construct a Capitol building for your new city.</P><P>Select one of your Citizens by left-clicking on him or her. </P><P>很好,你已经到了旗帜边。在这里,你可以开始建造你的新城市。</P><P>选择一个市民,选择城镇图标,在地图上左击。</P><P>Canaanites</P><P>迦南人<BR></P>
真人游戏|足球篮球|时时㈢彩| 六合投㈢注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用㈢提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
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