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战役汉化 古希腊战役 第一章 早期希腊人民

发表于 2011-12-1 14:51:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 wyadell 于 2015-7-11 07:34 编辑

真人游戏|足球篮球|时时︶彩| 六合投︶注| 网络赚钱:顶级信用︶提现百分百即时到账SO.CC
<P>&nbsp;攻略可到 <A target=_blank href="http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1304536654">http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1304536654</A></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><FONT color=#f70909>时间有限,来不及语言组织, 你是否有更好的翻译,请回贴补充,</FONT></P><P>把文件 1-1早期希腊人民.ees&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;放在 &nbsp;&#92;Data&#92;Saved Games 下即可, 请配合 战役汉化补丁使用,效果更加</P><P>在游戏中, 单人游戏--载入进度&nbsp; &nbsp;选择 1-1早期希腊人民 即可</P><P>受文件大小,格式,等限制,可到QQ群,共享文件下载, 谢谢分享.</P><P><FONT color=#f709f7>(PS:&nbsp; 没见过一个游戏防盗防贼也防得这么厉害,&nbsp; 难怪都流行不起来)</FONT></P><P><P><FONT color=#f709f7></FONT></P><FONT color=#f709f7>目前只翻译完 古希腊战役 第一章 早期希腊人民 有空闲其他在慢慢补充.</FONT> <P></P><P>We have found a new land for our people! But we must bring Hierakles and Kalkas here as well.</P><P>我的人民!我们已经发现了一块新的土地,但是我们必须带希拉克勒斯和卡尔加到达那里。</P><P>This is the village of Troas! Help me find their Dock so that I may seize control of it.</P><P>这是特洛阿斯的码头,我们必须找到它并且控制住.</P><P>The gods are pleased with us! They have made known to me, in a vision, that we must build a Temple where we can worship. We shall construct this Temple on our new acropolis, in addition to the buildings Hierakles wishes us to build.</P><P>众神临幸我们!他们告诉我,必须建立一神庙,以便于我们可以膜拜。希拉克勒斯希望我们把神庙建在新的雅典城。</P><P><BR>Alas, the Dock has been destroyed, but we have secured the knowledge to build one of our own. Let us find a safe place to do this.</P><P>唉,码头虽然被摧毁,但我们已经获得的建造知识可以自己再建造一个。让我们找到一个安全的地方吧。</P><P><BR>Let us not forget to bring the good priest Kalkas here to the site of our new city. He will have important advice about what we should do next.</P><P>不要忘记带先知卡尔加到达新的城市。他会告诉你下一步该做什么。</P><P>The Dorians have been vanquished!</P><P>多利亚人已经被征服!</P><P>My people! We must travel west to a hostile village called Troas. From them we shall steal the secret of traveling upon the deep waters. Lead me to their Dock, and I will steal it for our own use. The time for emigration has come, for we will surely perish if we remain here!</P><P>我的人民,我们必须向西到一个叫特洛阿斯的村庄.在他们那儿我们能够偷到能在深水中行进的秘密.带我到他们的码头.我将能使它变成我们的.移民的时候到了,呆在这里我们只有灭亡!</P><P>Alas! Hierakles is lost! Without his leadership, his people will perish and be forgotten by history.</P><P>唉!希拉克勒斯死去了!没有他的带领,他的人们将会灭亡,并且被历史遗忘。</P><P>Now we have a Dock! Let us build Transports, then set sail for Thessaly. We will know our destination by the goats grazing there.</P><P>现在我们有一个码头!让我们建立运输,然后驶往塞萨利,会看见山羊在哪里。</P><P>Fools! Do not attack the only Dock they have! If it is destroyed, we will perish here in Anatolia!</P><P>傻瓜!不要攻击码头!如果它被破坏了,我们只能里面对安纳托利亚人!</P><P>Alas! Kalkas is lost! His people cannot survive without his great wisdom.</P><P>唉!卡尔加牺牲!他的人们失去了赖以生存的智慧襄。</P><P><BR>At last! We have reached the land called Thessaly! But we dare not settle just anywhere. Let us search for a high plateau, where we can safely build our new village. I will know the right location when I see it.</P><P>现在!我们已经到达萨利!但我们还不能马虎。先寻找一个高原,在那里,我会指点你建立一个安全的新村庄。</P><P>Their city is magnificent! They have much knowledge, which we shall learn - and use to build a city of our own!</P><P>他们的城市建得很漂亮!我们可以从他们那里学到很多知识,知道如何建造一座城市!</P><P>My people, I have gathered you here to listen to the words of Kalkas, our wise high priest. He has seen, in a vision, a way to lead us to a land where we may prosper.</P><P>我的人民,我把你们集中在此聆听卡尔加的教诲,我们最英明祟高的先知,他已经看到,在意念中有一条带领我们到一个可以使我们繁荣昌盛的地方的路.</P><P>This shall be the site of our new village. We must build a Settlement and a Barracks on this high plateau, as we learned from the people of Troas. A plateau is more easily defended against enemies.</P><P>在高原更容易防御,我们将在这里建立一个新的村庄,建立军队以便抵挡特洛阿斯人的进攻,</P><P><BR>My lord Hierakles! Strange warriors from the north have set upon us. And they ride horses - a most fearsome sight to behold! We must defend ourselves!</P><P>尊敬的领袖希拉克勒斯!多利斯人的骑兵将从北面而来,我们必须保卫自己!</P><P>The Fates have conspired against us! We no longer have the means to settle in Thessaly and so our tribe... is doomed!</P><P>胜利已经远离我们!我们不再有办法解决…一切都是注定!</P><P><BR>The future of our new village is secure! Let us tame this land and call it our own!</P><P>村庄的未来是安全的!让我们胜利的欢呼吧!</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><BR>Find the hostile city of Troas</P><P>发现敌方城市特洛阿斯</P><P>Take Kalkas to the Troan Dock.</P><P>移动卡尔加到码头。</P><P>Build Transports and take your people to Thessaly.</P><P>用运输船运送你的人到狄瑟利。</P><P>Take your people, including Hierakles and Kalkas, to Thessaly. </P><P>把所有人,包括希拉克勒斯和卡尔加,带到狄瑟利。</P><P>Both Hierakles and Kalkas must be taken across the water the to Thessaly.</P><P>希拉克勒斯和卡尔加必须留在狄瑟利。</P><P>Take Hierakles to find the site for the new village.</P><P>希拉克勒斯发现的新遗址。</P><P>Build a Barracks and a Settlement on your plateau.</P><P>在高原建立一个兵营。</P><P>Build a Barracks on your plateau and bring Kalkas to Thessaly.</P><P>在高原建立一个兵营,把卡尔加带到狄瑟利.</P><P>Build a Settlement on your plateau and bring Kalkas to Thessaly.</P><P>在高原建立殖民,把卡尔加带到狄瑟利.</P><P>Build a Barracks and a Settlement on your plateau and bring Kalkas to Thessaly.</P><P>在高原建立一个兵营,把卡尔加带到狄瑟利.</P><P>Build a Barracks, Settlement, and a Temple on your plateau.</P><P>在高原建立一个兵营和寺庙。</P><P>Build a Barracks and Settlement on your plateau.</P><P>在高原建立一个兵营,</P><P>Build a Barracks and Temple on your plateau.</P><P>在高原建立一个兵营和寺庙。</P><P>Build a Settlement and Temple on your plateau.</P><P>在高原建立一个殖民和寺庙。</P><P>Build a Barracks on your plateau.</P><P>在高原建立一个兵营。</P><P>Build a Settlement on your plateau.</P><P>在高原建立殖民</P><P>Build a Temple on your plateau.<BR>在高原建立寺庙</P><P><BR>- Locate the hostile city of Troas.</P><P>-找到敌对城市特洛阿斯。</P><P>- Bring Kalkas to the Dock at Troas.<BR>-把卡尔加带到特洛阿斯码头。</P><P><BR>- Build Transports and bring your people to the land called Thessaly, across the sea.</P><P>-利用运输船,穿越大海,把所有人带到狄瑟利大陆</P><P><BR>- Locate the high plateau in Thessaly and bring Hierakles there.</P><P>-在狄瑟利找到高原并把希拉克勒斯带到那里。</P><P><BR>- Construct a Barracks and a Settlement on the high plateau.</P><P>-在高原建立一个兵营。</P><P>- Bring Kalkas to Thessaly.</P><P>-把卡尔加带到狄瑟利</P><P>- Construct a Temple on the high plateau.<BR>-在高原建立庙宇。</P><P><BR>&nbsp;Acropolis Summit</P><P>雅典卫城</P><P>Dorian Raiders</P><P>多利斯人攻略</P><IMG src="attachments/bbsxp/2011-12/201112173750.jpg" border=0>
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